Research and creation of tailor-made event concepts. From simple event concepts to global guidelines with plan, technical drawings, model, 3D.
Global production: Search for places, technical identification, electricity, sound, light, catering, artists. Production of decorations in our workshop, installation. Global management of the event: hospitality, transport (car, car, bus, van, plane, helicopter, private jet), security.
Definition and creation of a strategic event concept. Global production: management of regulatory requests, operational deployment of the event concept.
Moodboard creation and design. Creation of sketches/models/prototyping to stage products to be presented, photographed, filmed.
Definition of the creative thread, of the story. Coherence of all the visual, sound and taste elements on an event.
Definition and creation of the moodboard, storyboard. Production and implementation of audiovisual concepts: broadcasts, duplexes, multiplexes. Sound, light, video, technical control.